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Saturday, May 11, 2013

An efficient method based on RSA

Hi there,
In this post I'll show the idea of my master thesis. I'll present a new method based on RSA: One has to choose two big distinct primes $p$,$q$ and compute $n=pq$. The essential difference between RSA and presented algorithm is the fact that there is another need to choose an integer $r$ coprime to $n$. All subsequent calculations will be done in the space of numbers of the form $(a+b\sqrt{r})\pmod{n}$, where $a,b\in\mathbb{Z}_n$ are coprimes to $n$. The idea is based on the following theorem.

For any prime $m$ and for an integer $r$ which satisfies $\left(\frac{r}{m}\right)=1$ ($\left(\frac{.}{.}\right)$ is Legendre symbol ) and for any $a$ and $b$ coprimes to $m$, the following equality is true:
$(a+b\sqrt{r})^{m-1}\equiv 1\pmod{m}$.

To prove it, note that from the definition of Legendre symbol $\left(\frac{r}{m}\right)\equiv r^{\frac{m-1}{2}}\pmod{m}$. Therefore,
$(a+b\sqrt{r})^m\stackrel{(*)}{\equiv} a^m+b^mr^{\frac{m}{2}}\stackrel{(**)}{\equiv} a+br^{\frac{m-1}{2}}r^{\frac{1}{2}}\equiv a+b\sqrt{r}\pmod{m}$,
where (*) follows from the fact that all interior Newton binomial coefficients are divisible by $m$, and (**) follows from the fact that $a^m\equiv a\pmod{m}$ for any $a$ coprime to $m$ by Fermat's little theorem. Divide both sides of the equation by $(a+b\sqrt{r})$ yields $(a+b\sqrt{r})^{m-1}\equiv 1\pmod{m}$, what ends the proof.

By our theorem for all $r$ which satisfies both $(\frac{r}{p})=1$ and $(\frac{r}{q})=1$, for $n=p\cdot q$ we have
(a+b\sqrt{r})^{(p-1)(q-1)}\equiv 1\pmod{n},
which is analogous to the principal fact of the RSA method.

Keys generation
1. Choose two big distinct primes $p$ and $q$. The best way is to choose two primes with similar length and with the property that numbers $p-1$ and $q-1$ are very hard to factor.
2. Compute $n=pq$
3. Compute $w=\varphi(n)=(p-1)(q-1)$
4. Choose random number $r$ with the property that r is a quadratic residue of both $p$ and $q$
5. Choose random number $e$ with the property that $1<e<w$ and $GCD(e,w)=1$
6. Compute $d=e^{-1}\pmod w$

The public key consists of three integers $k_e=(n,r,e)$ and the private key is $k_d=(n,r,d)$.

Alice transmits her public key $k_e=(n,r,e)$ to Bob and keeps the private key secret. Then Bob wishes to send message $M$ to Alice.

He first splits $M$ into blocks with length less than double length of $n$. For every piece he splits it into equally-length two parts $a_i$ and $b_i$, then he combines them into number $m_i=a_i+b_i\sqrt{r}$. Then he computes individual pieces of the ciphertext, i.e. $c_i=(c_{i}^{1},c_{i}^{2})$ corresponding to
To compute $c_i$ he should use a definition of an integer multiplication in the group, i.e.

To compute it quickly he can use the method of exponentiation by squaring adjusted to the definition of the multiplication. Bob then transmits $c=(c_1,c_2,\dots)$ to Alice.

Alice can recover $m_i$ from $c_i=(c_i^1,c_i^2)$ by using her private key $k_d=(n,r,d)$ via computing
Given $a_i$ and $b_i$ for every $i$, Alice can recover the original message $M$ by sticking all parts together.

A working example
1. Choose two distinct primes, such as $p=113$ and~$q=127$.
2. Compute $n=pq$ giving $n=113\cdot 127=14351$.
3. Compute $w$ giving $w=(p-1)(q-1)=14112$.
4. Choose any $r$ that fits both $\left(\frac{r}{p}\right)=1$ and $\left(\frac{r}{q}\right)=1$. $r=11$ has such property.
5. Choose any number $1<e<w$ which is coprime to $w$. Let $e=265$.
6. Compute $d$, the modular multiplicative inverse of $e$ modulo $w$, yielding: $d=e^{-1}\pmod{w}\equiv4633\pmod{w}$

Alice obtained public key $k_e=(14351,11,265)$ and private key $k_d=(14351,11,4633)$, then she published the public key.

For instance, in order to encrypt $a+b\sqrt{r}$, where $a=13$, $b=13275$, Bob calculates
so he send $c=(6466,11144)$ to Alice. In order to decrypt $c=(c_1,c_2)$ Alice computes
yielding a pair $(a=13,b=13275)$.

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